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Living Fluids

Annual workshop of the Franco-German Doctoral School | Sept. 30 & Oct. 1, 2019 | University of Bayreuth

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Monday, 30 September
9.10Clogging of microswimmers at a constrictionPhilippe Peyla
9.50Short Poster Presentation in the Plenum
10.10Coffee Break, Posters & Discussions
10.50Crawling in a fluidAlexander Farutin
11.20Active RheologyMohd Suhail Rizvi
11.45Blood platelet formation - a biological Rayleigh-Plateau instabilityChristian Bächer, M. Bender, S. Gekle
12.10Lunch Break, Posters & Discussions
14.00Kernel density estimators – Making better histogramsThomas John
14.30Phase separation influenced by pattern formationTobias Frohoff-Hülsmann
14.55Nonlinear patterns shaping the domain on which they liveMirko Ruppert
15.15Oscillatory bifurcations in active particle systemsAndre Förtsch
15.35Periodic patterns emerge beyond active phase separationFrederik Thomsen
15.55An active Thin-Film modelFenna Stegemerten
16.20Coffee Break, Posters & Discussions + Group Picture
17.15Magnetic fluids (almost living) and clustersIngo Rehberg
19.00Conference Dinner
(Restaurant 'Lamperie', Friedrichstr. 13, 95444 Bayreuth)
Tuesday, 1 October
9.00Numerical-experimental observation of shape bistability of red blood cells flowing in a microchannelA. Guckenberger, A. Kihm, T. John, C. Wagner, Stephan Gekle
9.30Acoustic manipulation of micro- and nanoparticlesPierre-Yves Gires
10.00Efficient curvature calculation for Volume-of-Fluid LBM on GPUsMoritz Lehmann, S. Gekle
10.15Actuation of red blood cells in oscillating Poiseuille flowsWinfried Schmidt
10.30Coffee break, Posters & Discussions
11.45Concluding remarks

List of Posters

  • The mechanism of vesicle-vesicle detachment under shear flow
    Mehdi Abbasi
  • Antimargination of microparticles and platelets in branching vessels
    Christian Bächer, A. Kihm, L. Schrack, L. Kaestner, M. W. Laschke, C. Wagner, and S. Gekle 
  • Blood platelet formation - a biological Rayleigh-Plateau instability
    Christian Bächer
  • Engineering passive swimmers by shaking liquids
    M. Laumann, Andre Förtsch, and W. Zimmermann
  • Lingering dynamics of microvascular blood flow in Syrian gold hamsters
    Alexander Kihm
  • Efficient curvature calculation for Volume-of-Fluid LBM on GPUs
    Moritz Lehmann
  • Label-free tumor cell detection in microfluidic flow
    Julie Martin-Wortham
  • Rectangular wrinkle patterns in modulated skin layers on Compliant substrates
    Nancy Mejía Villagrán
  • Numerical Investigation of Cell Deformation during Bioprinting Processes
    Sebastian J. Müller, C. Bezold and S. Gekle
  • Neural network technique for the classification of RBCs flowing in microchannels
    Mohammed Nouaman
  • An emerging attractor in wavy Poiseuille flows triggers sorting of biological cells
    Winfried Schmidt
  • Red blood cells aggregates at bifurcations
    Francois Yaya
  • Systematic extension of the Cahn-Hilliard model for MIPS
    F. Bergmann, L. Rapp, and Walter Zimmermann

Some of the posters are also presented by a talk.

The program as an ics file.

contact: living-fluids@uni-bayreuth.de

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